

  • Company Tel:86-10-62431717
  • Solution Tel:86-10-62431697
  • Company Fax:86-10-62431800


'I want to thank you for your efforts and suggestions in getting our system completed. And it's hard to find the words to describe the service that your team has given us from the start to the end. Many thanks to the excellent team at RayooTech.'
- Pal Harrison, Technology Director

'RayooTech has an impressive portfolio of the outsourcing services. With their technical expertise, it helps us to accelerate our product development in a cost effective way. RayooTech provides us with the customer support we need, and it's clear our feedback helps affect the services included in new RayooTech's policy.”

— CTO & VP of Engineering of a leading provider of network monitoring & analysis tools for real-time application troubleshooting

'No doubt, we are very satisfied with the performance of the iPhone application. You know, the application fully meets our requirements. With the application, our customers absolutely can view and order our products online via their mobile devices. Customers can view our products by choosing their interested categories, for example, Women's, Men's, Brands, new products or special offers. They can view each perfume details, save products in the cart and check out. I was impressed when I tested the application, with each click, definitely I knew in which stage and what I was going to do. There were no confusing, no visual issues, and no implement problems, I believe our employees and customers will happy with it and the application will help us to promote our business in the future. I appreciate what your team has done for us, and especially they gave us lots of advice to improve the application. […]'
- The client who outsourced iPhone Application Project


IBM                                        Siemens                       Advent              
ClearSight Networks             Microsoft                      Intel          
Motorola                               Ericsson                        Genertec Europe Temax GmbH                 
Soma                                     Super Myway               Noware             Novartis

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