

  • 總機電話:86-10-62431717
  • 業務電話:86-10-62431697
  • Email:suport@rayootech.com

 “我們選擇瑞友科技,不僅是簡單地開發幾個項目,而是要選擇一個長期的軟件開發合作伙伴。通過合作,用友軟件工程在項目質量、工期、成本等方面的有效控制給我們留下了專業、 高效的良好印象。”

— 某人壽保險公司IT副總經理



— 某保險公司IT總監



— 某礦業集團CIO


“I would say that they are meeting/exceeding my expectations. They appear very capable and their high level of enthusiasm for the project is great.”

— Senior QA manager
of a leading portfolio & accounting management packaged product provider


“RayooTech has an impressive portfolio of the outsourcing services. With their technical expertise, it helps us to accelerate our product development in a cost effective way. RayooTech provides us with the customer support we need, and it's clear our feedback helps affect the services included in new RayooTech's policy.”

— CTO & VP of Engineering
of a leading provider of network monitoring & analysis tools for real-time application troubleshooting

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